Live in Christ

Learn to embody
unconditional love

Imagine the joy of feeling one with yourself

When we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, we experience the joy and power of our True Self. We live from our soul. We feel whole.

When we live from who we truly are–honoring our divinity, while embracing our humanity–that is what life on earth is about.

That’s when we feel profoundly alive, full of energy, inspiration, and creative flow. Our soul’s purpose and mission become crystal clear, and our hearts overflow with excitement and love for all that is.

Imagine the bliss of truly loving one another

When our hearts are open and true love flows between two or more souls, the creative force of the universe is unleashed: a divine power that heals and transforms us into more than we can be on our own.

Through receiving and giving unconditional love, we achieve high divine states of joy, wholeness, clarity, and peace.

Living in a state of heart- and soul union mirrors the Highest Divine Principle of Creative Love, and awakens us to our true potential as co-creators.

Imagine the freedom of embracing ALL THAT IS

Being non-resistant and non-judgmental towards life, having an open heart to all of creation in all its forms, that is being in oneness with our Divine Mother.

Living in harmony with nature and all Her manifestations allows us to experience the reality of a caring, loving, and benevolent universe.

When we surrender to life in all its expressions, we become vessels for Divine Love to create true miracles, deep healing, and profound transformation—in our lives and the lives of others.

True Love starts with ourselves.

But without a mirror, it's impossible to see who we are. 

Our difficult interactions with others are what show us where the flow of Unconditional Love and Divine Energy is blocked in us. 

We experience this most strongly in relationships. When we feel stuck in repetitive patterns—interactions that bring up the same emotions, thoughts, or reactions, over and over again—that’s Life showing us what’s holding us back.

These situations are actually a gift from Life itself. In perfect collaboration with our soul, these reflections show us exactly what we need to heal, what we need to see, and where we need to grow. It is what our Higher Selves want for our learning, evolution, and expansion.

No matter how much we meditate—or how many spiritual tools we implement—we can’t bypass what needs to be healed or transmuted in us.

When we allow these reflections from life to guide our inner work–rather than resist them–we are shown a path that leads straight back to our Source. 

Learn how to make your Heart the guiding Light in your life

1. Find out where you are stuck in the past

The misunderstanding many spiritual seekers have is believing that “being in the now” means somehow transcending their old wounds without ever having to deal with the past.

But the truth is, these pains keep us tied to the past, and prevent us from being fully here.

By hiding, denying, or suppressing them, they become like a heavy dark shadow that keeps us from embodying our Highest Self.

Our old wounds need the unconditional love they were deprived of in the first place in order for us to ascend.

2. Heal your old wounds and negative beliefs

Unprocessed, frozen, and fragmented emotions from the past usually go along with deeply rooted, negative core-beliefs about ourselves and the world.

By feeling the emotions that we’ve buried deep within our psyche—in a space of unconditional love—we allow these stuck parts of ourselves to be transmuted back into light. This releases the energy that had been trapped back into our system. We become whole again.

As we uncover and dismantle our negative beliefs, we realize the truth: we are worthy, innocent, and a perfect, lovable expression of the Divine.

3. Celebrate each step of your process

There is no bigger reward, no higher success, and nothing more powerful than the experience of liberation and inner freedom that comes from peeling away, step by step, the dark layers that have covered our soul.

We feel lighter, more alive, and our hearts more open to the love and divine power flowing through us.

We get closer and closer to true bliss. Our soul shines more brightly than ever. And we feel ever more one with ourselves, with others, and with the world around us.

4. Stay Committed

You can overcome anything with the right intention, the help of the divine, and someone who can hold unconditionally loving space for you and your process.

Healing is not difficult. All it needs is your willingness and commitment to embrace whatever comes up, trust in the wisdom of your soul, and receive loving support.

5. Feel held by unconditional love

For our healing process to succeed, we need another soul who is capable of holding a space of unconditional love.

The experience of being supported by a compassionate, non-judgmental, open-hearted soul, is what opens the door for healing to take place.

Somebody who sees you at the soul level, understands what you’ve been through, and appreciates you for who you truly are.

About David & Florentine

David and Florentine Peralta’s soul mission is to share their profound experience, knowledge, and wisdom as healers, coaches, and spiritual teachers. They offer guidance on the Path of Unconditional Love, and how to heal within, and through relationships. They teach how to apply and implement profound spiritual knowledge and ancient wisdom to everyday life. 

They both studied under the direct guidance of their master, Sri Kaleshwar (1974-2012), a miracle-healing saint who is connected to a powerful lineage of masters, including Shirdi Sai Baba, Jesus, and Mother Mary. 

Shirdi Sai Baba, Sri Kaleshwar, Mother Mary, and Jesus

Sri Kaleshwar’s life mission was to teach from Ancient Palm Leaf books, revealing the most powerful and fastest spiritual tools to enlightenment and becoming a spiritual master healer.

In David’s and Florentine’s teaching practice, they bridge ancient spirituality with contemporary christianity. As individual healers and coaches, they integrate therapeutic tools with soul- and energy work, and collaborate with divine master souls such as Mother Mary, Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

They do most of their teaching and group work together, whereas their coaching and healing practice is mostly run in individual 1:1 sessions (except couple-to-couple coaching).

"I'm feeling immense gratitude. The work you guys are doing is really life-changing. I feel I never would have made it this far in the challenging relationship dynamics without help and support from you. Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart."

– D.F.

“I have been around many wonderful souls and healers that do great work in beautiful ways. One thing about both of you that touches me deeply time after time is that you are very authentic. Not only do you share the 'knowledge', and that has helped and helps you to move through the obstacles, but also that you never intend to mask or disguise it. Keeping it touchable and relatable.

It is inspiring and very helpful. I truly love this wonderful quality in both of you and I truly value it.”

– S.P.

“Amazing. You both WOW me… and make me speechless. Which is very hard to do. This is probably one of the most important teachings I have ever received. Everything you shared. Words can’t express my gratitude.”

– K.M.

“I really appreciate the vulnerability that emanates between the two of you. As you both are together, your divine love is so openly present to experience. The depth the two of you have opened to go in with yourselves individually and together resonates powerfully as teachers of this spiritual lineage. Thank you!”

– S.C.

Our Story

We met in 2010 in Sri Kaleshwar’s ashram in Penukonda, India, while studying Ancient Spiritual Knowledge at the Soul University—an advanced program for soul healers and spiritual teachers.

Neither one of us was looking for a relationship. In fact, we both felt fed up with all the emotional turmoil that relationships had created in our lives. 

But our souls (and the masters) knew better.

From the beginning, we knew we were on a soul mission—meant to help each other in our growth and healing. We prayed to be blessed by the Divine to experience the highest possible Divine Love with each other. But we had no idea how deep, challenging, and often painful of a process this would set off.

We got married—sealing our soul contract—and began a profound process of purification. It felt like every possible block and challenge standing in the way of the Highest Love would now be brought to light. 

Our inner healing process with each other had begun. Over the next few years, we learned directly about sacred soul relationships, Shiva-Shakti mechanisms (balancing the Divine Masculine/Feminine within and with each other), healing the heart's deepest wounds, and the transformation of individual, ancestral, and collective karmas. 

We discovered the power of healing through relationships.

Through becoming parents of children with advanced souls, we had to learn what embodying the Divine Mother and Divine Father Energy really means. It added another layer to our inner healing process. 

After many years of deep inner work, we've re-connected to the truth of the unconditional love, harmony, and balance that had always been there but seemed out of reach. 

Now we feel called to share our experience of real-life, embodied spirituality, and help others walk the path of unconditional love and healing.

Ready to heal your heart and live in a state of unconditional love?

Schedule a free discovery call to uncover what’s been holding you back—and how you can unlock the highest levels of success in all areas of your life.